
EVENT | Local Energy Communities for Businesses

The EU’s clean energy package is expected to be signed soon. In this document, energy production at the local level is perceived crucial to foster renewable energy production. However, energy communities still face many obstacles to their development. The new legal framework for Local Energy Communities (LECs) will be key in the further outroll of energy synergies on business parks.

This event will provide you with the latest information about the development of LECs for business within the EU, will actively ask for your participation to shape the conditions under which a LEC will be formed and will inspire you to develop you own LEC project!


09h15 Registrations & coffee
10h00 Welcome & short presentation of the BISEPS, STORY and ROLECS projects
10h15 Introduction by Eric Sleeckx | Cabinet of Flemish Minister of Work, Economy, Innovation and Sports
10h25 “The EU vision on LECs” by Mikolaj Jasiak | Policy Officer European Commission
10h45 “Making LECs work in Flanders and Europe”
Panel discussion with interactive audience involvement
PANEL MEMBERS: Mikolaj Jasiak (EC), Frederik Loeckx (Flux50), Maarten Messagie (UZ Brussel) and Leen Peeters (Th!nk E)
11h30 “European frontrunners for LECs”

  • Remy Garaude-Verdier | Enedis (France, DSO)
  • Sam Do | UK Power Networks (UK, DSO)
  • Dr. Gregor Taljan | Energienetze Steiermark (Austria, DSO)

12h00 Network lunch
13h30 “Business case and needs for LECs” – Interactive workshop
15h30 Break
16h00 “Paving the way to successful LECs” – Reports and reactions
17h00 “From here onwards” | closing by Dirk Van Evercooren (VREG)(tbc), Leen Peeters (Rolecs, Th!nk E) and Dominiek Vandewiele (BISEPS, Leiedal)
17h20 Network reception


Culture and convention center Het Pand | Ghent University
Belgium, Ghent, Onderbergen 1


29/04/2019 | 10h00 – 18h00


Registration is free, but mandatory. You can register here!

A no show fee of 150 euro will be charged, in case you do not attend the event after registering for it.